“LightNC” is a family based business created by a mother and her two daughters who love doing art projects and outdoor activities as well as travelling the world together. Svetla, Nia and Chloe each painted two of the six hearts of our logo picture.


“Light” is the meaning of Svetla’s name in Bulgarian. Svetla is passionate about art, craft and design (both fashion and interior). Svetla has education and experience in audit, accounting and community development and speaks 6 languages

– Bulgarian (mother tongue), English, German, Spanish, Russian and Indonesian. Svetla has lived in 9 countries (Australia, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Botswana, China, USA, Canada and Indonesia) and has come to love the diversity of different people and cultures. Svetla is also passionate about all outdoor activities, in particular kyaking, rock climbing and downhill skiing. She has successfully participated in two Alpine climb expeditions – Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania and Mt Baker, USA.


“N” stands for Nia who is passionate about swimming, craft and writing. Nia was part of her school’s swim team for 4 years in Indonesia and became the junior champion in her surf club in Australia for season 17/18. Nia is the graphic designer of our logo name. She is also one of the 3 students in her high school who recently made it through the 1st round of “Writing For Fun” Australia. Nia has lived in 6 countries ( Australia, Botswana, China, USA, Canada and Indonesia).


“C” stands for Chloe who is passionate about art, craft and music. Chloe’s art pieces are regularly recognised at the two primary schools she has attended. Chloe has lived in 4 countries (Australia, USA, Canada and Indonesia).